Product Prices Belt Weighing Systems To enable us to give you a price for a Belt Weigher please complete the following form.For other price enquiries please Contact us.By submitting this form you agree to our privacy terms as stated in our privacy policy Company *Name *Address *E-mail *Phone *Material To Be WeighedBulk DensityFull Load Rate (t/hr)Belt LengthBelt SpeedBelt WidthBelt Type/ConstructionBelt ThicknessBelt WeightIdler Troughing AngleDistance Between IdlersConveyor Angle (From Floor To Head)Power Supply To WeigherGravity Take Up System On BeltDistance Across StringersDistance Between StringersAccuracy Required From WeigherSubmit NOTE: If possible please E-mail a cross section drawing of the conveyor or a sketch to For up to date prices on other products please Contact us.